4 hour blow out!
band : song
the calculators : inside
wire : 1 2 x u (live)
colin newman : life on deck
miss tk & the revenge : unicornucopia
katie the pest : sober
586 : we got bored
mo-dettes : dark park creeping
tiger trap : supreme nothing
children collide : frozen armies
toy dolls : dig that groove
jonny cohen : time loop
garland of hours : word verses
mary timony : musik and charming melodee
the nation of ulysses : a comment on ritual
cool headed logicians : work sucks
grabba grabba tape : susiette pinoche de los bosques
bronwyn : spotting ships
rodan : tooth fairy retribution manifesto
germs : lexicon devil
boomtown rats : looking after no.1
candle : green grass
so so so : rewind
the animal style : clip from the nintendo symphony 1st movement
the books : be good to them always
8-bit weapon : nature music
ill ease : jersey o matic
the russian futurists : paul simon
drop nineteens : delaware
no alternative : johnny got his gun
prolapse : black death ambulance
the okmoniks : you got it and i need it too
the hold steady : the swish
the digits : war chant
the pencils : atomic twist
the english beat : two swords
the van pelt : we are the heathens
the blow : brushy brushy
headache : can't stand still
born against : albany academy
amps for christ : lynn ann's flower
neurosis : the choice
venom : satanachist
shy child : noise won't stop
karl blau : thorns
anna oxygen : fake pajamas
the king cobra : nlykntra - by request!
hawkwind : you'd better believe it
against me! : pints of guinness make you strong - by request!
vel : cheerleaders from mars
printed circuit : banana split
pylon : feast on my heart
syd barrett : octopus
warsaw : they walked in line - by request!
young marble giants : final day
brakes : heard about your band
black eyes : deformative - by request!
ariel pink's haunted graffiti : thespian city
yacht : hot dog (iron cobra version)
screamers : the beat goes on
lungfish : love is love
monorchid : s.s. hopeless
lowercase : the open sea
first half

second half